Sep 22Liked by Kate Morgan Reade

Kate, this is a powerful essay. I only wish those undecideds could see it, resd it, and wise up.

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Thanks, Pamela. Agreed!

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Sep 22Liked by Kate Morgan Reade

While reading your post today, my computer began to steam, steadily. And with good reason!

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That's a good way to put it!

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Sep 22Liked by Kate Morgan Reade

It is a confounding state of affairs, for sure, and very, very worrisome.

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Sep 22Liked by Kate Morgan Reade


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Sep 22Liked by Kate Morgan Reade

I've been in Europe for the past two weeks and up until last night it's been very encouraging. In Basel we met a woman organizer for Democrats Abroad who had buoyant news about partipation. The press = in Germany and Switzerland anyway- is strong in its support for Harris and openly encouraging Americans abroad to vote.

Then last night as we checked into the airport hotel forced upon us when United canceled our flight, it changed. I complemented the young man at check-in on his English, and he responded that he is from the US, and doesn't speak German (!) We asked him if he was planning on voting and he replied "For Trump, I guess. He will end the war in Ukraine." This is what we are up against, people who respond to a single sound bite, ignoring the torrent of information that would lead anyone of supramoronic intelligence to reject the-man-whose-name-I-will-not-mention. (But we tried.)

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"...and doesn't speak German"...oy!

Face palm. This guy...I'm speechless. Which you know is not really a thing for me.

Supramoronic = my new term, thank you for that.

With any luck, maybe these unengaged low wicks will just not bother to turn out. We could live with that.

The one who shall remain nameless: Yes! It's akin to Voldemort (whose name, ironically, I don't mind saying)

Good to hear from you, as always, Stephen. Glad you have returned safely.

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Sep 22Liked by Kate Morgan Reade


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