Argh! I can't choose just one favorite today. I'm going with "The road to hell is paved with molehills." and "They’re diabolically opposed." I can see both applying in real-life situations.

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Ha, wonderful! I often wonder whether the Friday Minced Metaphors are worth posting, but your faithful and interesting replies keep me going. Thanks, Liz.

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Liz Gauffreau: I think Kate Morgan Reade is really, really on her game today. This post is to be bookmarked, to adopt all of these witty sayings to sprinkle in daily life.

This is one of the best.

What a WONDERFUL phrase: "They are diabolically opposed." The road to hell is paved with molehills.

Those are my favorites, too.

But I think of Trump: Give him enough rope and he will boil in his own juices.

The devil's details are in the sea!

My God, that one is expressive. That is so very apt and a vivid picture.

Just picture the negotiations:

N-1: Oh my, I thought this was going to be much easier. It all became so very sticky.

N-2: Isn't that the case! It turns out, as the old saying goes, the devil is in the details. This has been rough.

N-3: You BOTH are obstreperous. Mine is the only reasonable position here. It is as humid as hades in here.

N-4: You all have followed labyrinthine negotiating strategies with the best of intentions. The road to hell is paved with molehills.

N-1: Well, as for N-3, he and N-2 are diabolically opposed.

N-2: Give N-3 enough rope to boil in his own juices.

N-3: You object to detailed negotiations? You object do you? These are essentials!

N-4: At this point of breakdown, the devil's details are in the sea!

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Hi, Armand. I got such a kick out of your response to today's Minced Metaphors! Brilliant!!

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Armand, this made me laugh so hard! You have created a fantastic conversation using all of these expressions, in a demonstration that unintentional language can often perform better than tired idiomatic cliches. Bravo! Thank you for taking the time to reply in such delightful form!

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